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Indian Mythological Stories

Bali and Dundubhi

When Rama told Sugreeva about Sita's kidnapping, he promised his allegiance to Rama. Sugreeva and RamaSugreeva then narrated the story of his exile. He told him how he had been ousted by his brother, Bali and forced to live in the forest. Rama said it was his duty to help his friend, but Sugreeva said nobody could  help him in his fight against Bali because by a boon that had been granted to him all Bali's enemies lost their strength before him.

Sugreeva then gave Rama a picture of Bali's might. When Dundubhi arrived to fight Bali, he was in his palace in Kishkindha. Dundubhi thought he would crush the monkey king easily, but he was proved wrong.

Bali accepted the challenge and, in the battlefield, lifted the enormous Dundubhi, then grabbing him by his horns, swirled him round and round till he lost consciousness. After this he swung his huge body with such strength that it fell miles away in the forests of Rishyamookha.
