Morning is the best time to greet someone, 'cause in the remaining hours the sun will be busy. So let me just wish you 'bonzour',' labril', 'bari luys'! In case you are wondering what they all mean, just click on the link to explore a world of 'Good Morning' greetings in various languages.
greetings in various languages

good morning

Afrikaans Gooie môre
Albanian Mere mengjesi
Arabic Mere mengjesi
Armenian Bari luys
Belarussian Dobray ranitsy
Bengali Shu-probhaat
Bulgarian Dobro utro
Cebuano Maayong buntag
Chinese Hakka On zoh
Creole Bonzour
Croatian Dobro jutro
Czech Dobré ráno
Danish God morgen
Dutch Goedemorgen
Eritrean Haderfum
Estonian Tere hommikut
French Bonjour
German Guten Morgen
Greek Kali mera
Hawaiian Aloha kakahiaka
Hebrew Boker tov
Indonesian Selamat pagi
Italian Buon giorno
Japanese Ohayo gozaimaz
Korean Annyunghaseyo
Latvian Labrit
Macedonian Dobro utro
Mongolian Öglouny mend
Norwegian God morgen
Persian Sob bekhair
Russian Dobraye ootra
Swedish God morgon
Sanskrit Suprabhataha
Tibetan Nyado delek

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