Bhima Takes Revenge
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After Gandhari had blessed Duryodhana with the boon that no one could harm him with a mace, Duryodhana went and hid in a lake of water fearing that the Pandavas would come to kill him. When the Pandavas saw him, they challenged him to come out of hiding. Bhima takes revengeYudhisthira asked him which of the Pandavas he would like to fight with and with what weapon. Duryodhana chose the mace and opted to fight with Bhima.

Although Bhima was stronger, Duryodhana was more skilled at handling a mace. The duel went on and on. Finally, Krishna touched his thigh and gave a signal to Bhima promptly hit Duryodhana hard on his thighs. Duryodhana fell to the ground and the Pandavas left him there to die a painful death.

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