KidsGen - The New Age Kids Site

New Year's Resolutions

New Year Resolution

- by Bruce Lansky

Last year I did some rotten things.
This year I will be better.
Here are some resolutions
I will follow to the letter:

I won’t make dumb excuses
when my homework isn’t done;
when the truth is that I did no work
’cause I was having fun.

I won’t fly paper airplanes
when the teacher isn’t looking.
I won’t sneak in the kitchen
just to taste what they are cooking.
I will not twist the silverware
to see how far it bends.
I will not take the candy bars
from lunch bags of my friends.

I will not skateboard down the hall
or skateboard down the stairs.
I won’t run over teachers,
and I won’t crash into chairs.

I will not do these rotten things;
my heart is full of sorrow.
But I have got some brand-new tricks
to try in school tomorrow.