Deforestation refers to a number of process through which a forest loses its vegetation. That is, its trees and plants. Nowadays, forests suffer from intense deforestation. Great tracts of the forest are being felled to obtain wood. The construction of hydroelectric power stations and the building of new roads or railway also cause deforestation.
Unfortunately, when deciding on the place for a new factory or the construction of the new road or railway, economic criteria generally predominate, and the effects on the landscape are hardly taken into account.
Some of these actions can transform the natural environment and destroy the forest.
Cause of Deforestation
Forest vegetation can resist natural phenomena such as storm and strong winds, and even some human actions. Forest can recover form such phenomena and will return to their natural state.
But this restorative ability has its limits. Some alterations can bring about the permanent disappearance of the forest. Continued erosion of the soils, inadequate replanting programs and improper forest management, and fires are just some of the phenomena that can result in the destruction of a forest.
By exploiting different resources, humans have transformed or destroyed the forests. But, apart from this action, the survival of the forest is endangered by another factor: pollution. Pollution reaches the forest through the air, water and land. An example of this is acid rain. All these actions constitute attacks on the forest that can lead to desertification. Some of the great desert of the earth were once great forests.
Deforestation(Click on the picture to have large view)
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