A long time ago, in a village in Mizoram, people believed - long
names bring great fortune, and longer ones being even greater! In
many of the families, it was customary to keep long names for at
least one of the children. In one such family, there were two
brothers- one named Semu, and the other named Tala Bini Bendo Toko
Miki Sembu Chima Chimena Kit Kit Kuki Mizi Pizi Hala. One day, two
brothers were playing near the well in their garden. Suddenly, Semu
fell into the well! Seeing this, Tala Bini Bendo Toko Miki Sembu
Chima Chimena Kit Kit Kuki Mizi Pizi Hala ran to his mother,
shouting "Mother! Semu has fallen in to the well. Please do
something!" "What? Semu has fallen into the well?" cried the mother.
"Let me call your father to help." She ran to her husband, shouting,
"O dear! Semu has fallen into the well. Please do something!"

Semu has fallen into the well?" cried her husband. "Let me tell the
gardener!" He ran to the gardener, shouting, "Semu has fallen in to
the well?" cried the gardener. He quickly fetched a ladder and
descended in to the well. He lifted Semu in his arms and climbed out
of the well. Semu was safe and his parents were happy. A few days
later, the two brothers were playing near the well again. Suddenly,
Tala Bini Bendo Toko Miki Sembu Chima Chimena Kit Kit Kuzi Mizi Pizi
Hala fell into the well. Semu ran to his mother, shouting,"Mother!
Tala Bini Bendo Toko Miki Sembu Chima Chimena Kit Kit Kuzi Mizi Pizi
Hala has fallen in to the well. Please do something!"
"What?" cried the mother," Tala Bini Bendo Toko Miki Sembu Chima
Chimena Kit Kit Kuki Mizi Pizi Hala has fallen into the well? Let me
call your father! She ran to her husband,shouting, O dear Tala Bini
Bendo Toko Miki Sembu Chima Chimena Kit Kit Kuki Mizi Pizi Hala has
fallen into the well. Please do something!" "What? Tala Bini Bendo
Toko Miki Sembu Chima Chimena Kit Kit Kuki Mizi Pizi Hala has fallen
into the well?" cried the father." Let me get the gardener to help."
But by then it was too late! Before the gardener could be informed,
the poor boy had drowned. And all because of his long name! From
that day on, the people of the village began keeping short names for
their children.
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