There once was a wise saint who lived in an ashram. He had several
devotees who studied under him. Every day, he would teach them
things about God and world."Guruji, where is God?" asked a devotee
one day. "Everywhere, my son," said Guru. "Everywhere?" asked the
devotee, puzzled. "Yes, everywhere. In everything you see. And
inside everyone too," replied the Guru.

The devotee pondered over it
for a while. That evening, he was still thinking about it while
returning home. "I wonder what the Guruji meant by all that," he
thought. "How can God be everywhere?"
As the devotee was walking, he suddenly saw an elephant rushing down
the road. There was a mahout on the elephant yelling out for
everyone to move away. "The elephant has gone mad! Please get out of
the way!" Initially, the devotee was scared but then he thought to
himself, "Guruji has told me that God is everywhere. That means He
is in that elephant. And God is in me as well." The devotee came to
the conclusion, "God cannot attack God! So, the elephant will not
attack me. I have nothing to fear." Even as the elephant charged
towards him, the devotee stood in his place, confident. "He won't
harm me," he thought with a smile. The mahout yelled several
warnings to the devotee, but he didn't budge. "Move you foolish man!
He will trample you! You will be crushed to death!"
Coming at a fast pace, the elephant reached the devotee. Mad with
fury, the animal wrapped its trunk around him and picked him up. The
devotee shrieked with fear and disbelief. Even as he thought, "This
cannot be happening!" the elephant
flung him aside in anger.
Fortunately, the foolish devotee landed on a haystack and was
unhurt. As he lay there in shock and relief, his Guru and friends
came running towards him. "What happened? Why did you stand there?
asked the Guru. "Guruji," said the trembling devotee, "You told me
God was in everything and in everyone. If God was in the elephant,
why did he fling me aside like that?"
The Guru smiled. "Yes, God is in the elephant. But God is also in
the mahout who kept warning you to move. Why did you not listen to
him?" The devotee had no answer.
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