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In a small village in Haryana, there lived a hardworking farmer. Once, he had grown a huge watermelon in his garden. It was the biggest anyone had ever seen. The farmer was very proud of his watermelon. He would gaze at the fruit for hours, thinking, "It's one of its kinds! I shall take it to the market and sell it for a good price." Then the next moment, he would think, "No... The market will not be the right place for my watermelon. I shall place it in an exhibition."

Finally, the farmer decided to take his watermelon to the king. "I can't wait for tomorrow! I am sure king will like my gift and reward me with whatever I wish for!" With these happy thoughts the farmer went to sleep.

The Farmer's PresentsThe king had a habit of taking a walk through his kingdom at night, in order to check if all his subjects were safe. That night, disguised as a common man, the king passed by the farmer's house and suddenly spotted the huge watermelon in the garden. He was so fascinated by the wonderful fruit that he knocked on the farmer's door and woke him up. "Who are you and what do you want at this time of the night?" asked the farmer. "I am a poor man," replied the king, "and I want your watermelon." "THE WATERMELON! NO!" said the farmer. "Then what are you going to do with it?" asked the king. "I am going to present it to the king," replied the farmer. "But what if the king doesn't like it?" asked the king. "Then may he go to the devil!" snorted the farmer. The king left and the farmer went back to sleep.

The next morning, he went to the place crying the huge watermelon. As soon as the farmer saw the king, he recognized him. But he pretended as if he knew nothing. He saluted the king and said, "I've brought you a watermelon, your Majesty! This is the largest watermelon in the country. You will like it!" "Hmm!" nodded the king. "But what if I don't like it?"

"Well... in that case... you already know my answer, your Majesty!" said the farmer, softly.

The king smiled, "I accept your present, O farmer!" said the king. "It's the best gift I've ever received." The farmer was richly rewarded not only for his gift I've ever received." The farmer was richly rewarded not only for his gift but also for his intelligence and wit.