At the foot of the Kumaon Hills, there lived a donkey. His master,
the farmer, made him work day and night. One day, the donkey
thought, "I have a deep voice and I can sing. Why should I work for
the cruel farmer? Instead I can make a living singing and
entertaining people in the nearby town."
So, the very next day, the donkey set off to town. Just as he was on
his way, he met a dog. "My master has driven me out," cried the dog.
"You bark so rhythmically," said the donkey. "You can join me. We
will go to the town and entertain people with our singing."

The dog
liked the idea and they started walking together. A few miles away,
they met a cat. "My master does not give me anything to eat," sobbed
the cat. "Oh, you mew so melodiously," said the donkey. "Join us! We
shall go to the town and entertain people with our singing." The cat
too joined them. A little ahead, they met a hen. "My master wanted
to sell me off, so I ran away," she said. "You cluck so sweetly,"
said the donkey. "Join us! We shall go to the town and entertain
people with our singing." The hen agreed. Now all four headed for
town. Soon, it was nightfall and the four companions came across a
house. Curious, they peeped through a window, to see if anybody
lived there. The donkey placed his front legs upon the window sill,
the dog climbed on top of the donkey, the cat sat on the dog and the
hen perched upon the cat. The donkey said, "Let us sing for the
people of this house. They might provide us with food and shelter."
And so, they all began to sing together. The donkey brayed, the dog
barked, the cat mewed, and the hen clucked.
Now, it so happened that the house belonged to two thieves. When
they saw the strange sight and heard the horrid noise, they
screamed!” Help! Help! There's an awful beast at the window, they
yelled, thinking that all four animals was one big beast!" The
thieves ran out of the house, never to return again.
"Ah! They cannot appreciate good music!" said the donkey. But, look
what they have left us. There is so much Wealth here that we don't
need to go to the town and work!" The four of them were thrilled and
lived happily together for a very long time.
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