The kingdom of Birpur was under constant threat from its enemies. The
king ordered his subjects to move into the nearby forest for safety.
All the people moved into the forest, except for Sobha Singh’s
family. "Nothing will happen; the king is worried for no reason!"
said Sobha Singh to his two sons and his clever daughter, Bhanumati.
One evening, the soldiers arrested Shoba Singh for disobeying the
king. At that time, Bhanumati was away collecting wood. When she
returned, her brothers told her what had happened.

"Alas! Father
should have obeyed the king," she said, and began to cry. Her
brothers consoled her and said, "Don't worry, dear! We will do
whatever is necessary to get Father realized." Then, asking her to
prepare dinner, the two brothers sat down to discuss their plan.
Bhanumati overheard them from the kitchen window. “Tonight we shall
sharpen our weapons," said one of the brothers. "Hmm! Let's start
early tomorrow morning," nodded the other. We will capture the king
and force
him to release Father. If he refuses, we will kill the king and take
our revenge."
On hearing this, Bhanumati was alarmed. "My father made a mistake by
disobeying the king, and now my brothers are making another one. Our
king is a wise and kind man; it would be crazy to kill him. I must
do something to save him," thought the young girl.
She waited patiently through the night. Early morning, as soon as
her brothers left, Biannulate left too, but she took a shorter
route. "I must make it to the place before my brothers do," she
thought. Braving the thorns, she reached the place. The guard at the
gate stopped her and asked, "Where are you going?"
"Please let me in! I need to see the king urgently," said Bhanumati."
come in the evening," said the guard in a stern voice. "It will be
too late! Please allow me to meet hi now!" Bhanumati pleaded. The
guard stood firm, blocking her way. But she dodged between his spear
and the doorframe, and entered the palace.
"Wait!" the guard shouted, running after her. Bhanumati ran past the
gallery and into the court. Just then, the guard caught up with
her.” What is all this?" asked the king, angrily. "Forgive me, Your
Majesty!" Biannulate said, gasping. "This is urgent!" “Who are you?"
asked the king. “I am Bhanumati, the daughter of Sobha Singh, who
has been imprisoned by you," replied the girl. "My brothers are
coming here to abduct you and they plan to kill you if you do not
agree to release my father." The king was shocked to hear all this.
More so, because the girl had come running all the way only to warn
the king against her own brothers. "Do you know the consequences of
telling me about your brother's plot?" asked the king. "I can arrest
them and execute them along with your father." "I know, Your
Majesty!" Bhanumati said softly. “But your life is more precious to
the kingdom and its people than the lives of my father and
Just then the soldiers brought in Bhanumati's brothers. "They were
trying to get into the palace by force, Your Majesty!" said the
soldiers. The king was very impressed with Bhanumati, and said, "Ask
me for any reward, brave girl, and I will give it!" he said.
"Please free my father and my brothers, Your Majesty!" Bhanumati
pleaded. The king granted her wish and released Sobha Singh and the
brothers with a warning. Thus, because of her intelligence,
Bhanumati saved the king as well as her family.
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