There once was a poor Woodcutter. One day while working, he feet
tired and sat down under a tree to rest for a while. A little bird
flying about happened to see the woodcutter and felt sad at his
miserable condition. "I must help him," thought the bird, and
perched beside the woodcutter.
As the woodcutter dozed off, the little bird laid a golden egg near
him and flew away. When the woodcutter woke up, he has surprised to
see the golden egg. He quickly picked up and slipped it in his
pocket. Then he bundled the logs he had chopped that day and cried
them to the shopkeeper to whom he usually sold his wood. "Such a
small bundle today?" asked the shopkeeper. "You bring big bundles
everyday; it seems you didn’t work very much today!"
The woodcutter then told him how he had dozed off and that he had
found the golden egg when he woke up. The shopkeeper, a cunning man,
lured him into exchanging the egg for a single gold coin. The
innocent woodcutter accepted. The shopkeeper also told him that if
he could bring the bird that laid the golden egg, he could get five
gold coins. Promising to bring the bird, the woodcutter went home.
The next day, he went to the same tree where he had found the golden
egg and sat down, pretending to sleep. The little bird came again
and perched beside him.
Just then, the woodcutter sprang up and caught the bird. "Now I
shall sell you to the shopkeeper for five gold coins!" said the
woodcutter. "But one golden egg is a hundred times more valuable
than five gold coins, don't you know that?" screeched the bird. "The
shopkeeper has made a fool of you!"
The woodcutter realized his mistake. "I am sorry I got greedy and
harmed you," he said, and realized the bird,
But the bird fell to the ground. "My end is near," she moaned, "I
come from the family of Lucky Birds. We bring luck to men, but we
are destined to die if ever caught by humans."

The woodcutter heard
this and kept bitterly. He asked, "Is there any way I can help you?"
The bird said, "When I die, pluck a feather from my wing and show it
to the fire; you'll be transported to my home. Give my feather to my
family and tell them the truth." Saying this, the Lucky Bird died.
The woodcutter did as he was told.
In an instant, he found himself amidst the Lucky Bird's family. He
showed them the feather and narrated his story to them. "Oh, we must
act fast!" said the Father Bird. He kept the Lucky Bird's feather on
the ground and began to hop around it. After ten rounds, the Father
Bird touched the feather. And lo! The Lucky Bird's lifeless body was
transported there.
The Mother Bird and the Sister Birds then brought some green leaves
and grass that could raise the dead, and stuffed them into the Lucky
Bird's beak. In no time, the Lucky Bird opened her eyes.
The woodcutter was ecstatic to see her alive again. The Lucky Bird
then spoke, "Luck appears and disappears; and so do we Lucky Birds.
But we don't stay with those who are greedy." The woodcutter cried,
"I have lost you because of my foolishness!" "Don’t be disheartened,
friend!" said the Lucky Bird. "You have helped me, and so I shall
return to you once again. But you will have to wait for that time."
The woodcutter returned home with a heavy heart, but with the hope
that the Lucky Bird would return someday.
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