Easter Hymns

A Spanish Easter hymn


Jesus Christ, the King of glory, 
Lord of goodness, love and light, 
Victor over death and evil, 
Rose in majesty and might. Alleluia. 

As the Saints in Heaven praise Him 
With their joyful Easter song, 
So on earth, you faithful servants, 
Honor Him with heart and tongue. Alleluia.

Easter Hymn for kids

Ancient Tyrolese song


Is this thy body, risen Christ, 
Which lay in death, all pale and torn? 
O Christians come, both young and old, 
To see the Lord on Easter morn! 
Alleluia, alleluia. 

From now through all eternity 
This body shines in radiant glow, 
More splendid than the noonday-sun: 
It will remain forever so. 
Alleluia, alleluia. 

Thy glory, Christ, I cannot bear, 
It is too great for eyes like mine; 
No one on earth can live and see 
The splendor of the Lord divine. 
Alleluia, Alleluia.

Portuguese hymn

An earthquake shook the rocky tomb, 
The guards in terror fled. 
But Magdalen, in pious haste, 
Approaches unafraid. 
In love she seeks the Master dear, 
Does neither guards nor earthquake fear. 
Alleluia, alleluia.


Come hither, ye children, O come one and all,
To Bethlehem haste, to the manger so small;
God’s Son for a gift has been sent you this night
To be your Redeemer, your joy and delight.

He’s born in a stable for you and for me,
Draw near by the bright gleaming starlight to see,
In swaddling clothes lying, so meek and so mild,
And purer than angels—the heavenly Child.

See Mary and Joseph with love-beaming eyes
Are gazing upon the rude bed where He lies;
The shepherds are kneeling, with hearts full of love,
While angels sing loud hallelujahs above.

Kneel down and adore Him with shepherds today,
Lift up little hands now and praise Him as they;
Rejoice that a Savior from sin you can boast,
And join in the song of the heavenly host.

O Jesus, my Savior, what must not be done,
What must not be suffered for sin to atone!
From infancy sorrow and pain Thou must know
Till Thou on the cross tasteth death’s bitter woe.

Dear Christ Child, what gifts can we children bestow,
By which our affection and gladness to show?
No riches and treasures of value can be,
But hearts that believe are accepted with Thee.

Our hearts, then, to Thee we will offer today,
We offer them gladly; accept them we pray,
And make them so spotless and pure that we may
Abide in Thy presence in Heaven for aye.


The bells of Easter sweetly peal:
"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"
They chime the hope He doth reveal,
This joyful Easter day.
The Lord of Life hath gone on high;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
"Rejoice," with swelling notes they cry!
"Rejoice, rejoice!" they say.


Shines the glorious heav’nly portal!
Angel songs we almost hear!
O the joy of life immortal.
When in glory we appear.
O the joy of life immortal.
When in glory we appear.

The shining Easter angels say:
"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Come, see the place where Jesus lay,
He’s ris’n: He is not here.
No longer held in death’s embrace;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Ye shall behold Him face to face,
In glory to appear."


Repeat the tidings far and wide!
"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"
No longer Christ the crucified,
But Christ the mighty King.
For us exalted evermore;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
While the heav’nly hosts our Lord adore,
Let all creation sing!


Christ is risen from the dead!
Darkness now no more shall reign;
Thorns no more shall crown the head
That was bowed with grief and pain:
Christ the Lord, the mighty King,
From our sin hath made us free.
Where, O death, is now thy sting?
Where, O grave, thy victory?

Scoffers now no more will say:
If Thou be the Christ, come down
From the cross, and prove today
That to Thee belongs the crown!
For our risen Lord and King
From our sin hath made us free,
Where, O death, is now thy sting?
Where, O grave, thy victory?

Faith now knows He is the Lord,
Gives assent to His decree,
Trusts the promise in His Word,
And is crowned with victory,
Shouting praises to the King,
Who from sin hath made us free.
Where, O death, is now thy sting?
Where, O grave, thy victory?
