KidsGen - The New Age Kids Site
Happy Children's Day Celebration

Craft Ideas For Children's Day

Childhood is the time of innocence. It is that time of life when you are free from all the big worries of life and when you get the opportunity to let your imagination fly higher and higher. It is the time when you have the time and chance to give free rein to your creativity. With Children's Day coming up again, it's the perfect time for all you little ones to make some wonderful crafts and celebrate the occassion. Given below are some cool tips for you to make some fabulous Children's Day Crafts. If you like the craft ideas, make them this Children's Day and also share them with your friends by sharing and sending this page to them. Have fun and have a Happy Children's Day with everyone you love!

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Children's Day Crafts

Celebrate this Children's Day with these fun craft ideas:

Carp Kite

Make a carp kite and celebrate Children's Day in the Japanese way! Carp Kite Children's Day Craft.

Materials needed:

1) Wire coat hanger
2) Tissue paper
3) Tape
4) Construction paper
5) Scissors
6) Markers
7) Spool of string


1) Request an adult to help you bend the coat hanger into a diamond shape. Ask him/her to bend the hook part so that it won't poke anyone.

2) Next, wrap the wire with a layer of tissue paper. Tape the ends of the tissue paper to secure it. Cut out of the construction paper a diamond shape that is a little larger than the coat-hanger diamond. Draw the carp with the markers.

3) Then tape the paper to the coat hanger (so that the diamond shaped opening is covered). Ask an adult to help you poke a hole at each corner of the diamond.

4) Cut three strings each of 20-inch length. Tie one string each to the top and side holes of the diamond. Tie one end of the spool of string to the bottom hole. This will be the string that will help you fly the kite. Next, tie the free ends of the top and side strings to the flying string near where it meets the kite. This will help your kite fly. Take your carp out and run!


Materials needed:

1) Light cardboard pieces (preferably paper plates or breakfast cereal boxes)
2) Some non-toxic paints, markers, crayons or coloured pencils
3) Glue
4) Thin elastic or string
4) Scissors
5) Sticky tape or stapler
6) Decorative items like glitter or feathers


1) Use a cardboard-piece big enough to cover your face or of the person who is going to wear it.

2) Draw an outline of your mask onto the cardboard. Cut out holes in place of the eyes and the nose. You would do well to get an adult to help you in the cutting part.

3) Make two small holes on either side of your mask to attach some string/elastic to it. Attach some elastic to each side of your mask.

4) Colour in your mask using either paint or crayons and coloured pencils. Use glitter, feathers or woolto decorate your mask. You can also glue on some coloured paper if you like.

5) Allow the paint and glue is dry. Your mask will be ready for you to wear.


Materials needed:

1) Cardboard
2) Hole puncher
3) Clear contact paper
4) A pair of scissors
5) Glue
6) Marker pens
7) Yarn pieces
8) Sequins (optional)
9) Lace scraps (optional)


1) Cut out a cardboard piece of dimensions 4cm x 15cm. Decorate it with sequins, marker pens or lace. You may also add any other decorative item you want.

2) Next, cover the decorated cardboard piece with the contact paper. Using the hole punch, make a hole at the top and one in the middle of the bookmark.

3) Tie a piece of yarn through the hole to form a tassel. Your bookmark would be ready for use.