Anagram for Father's Day
Get your hands on these exciting Father's Day anagram puzzles. Just print out any of the templates given below and unscramble the jumbled words to form words that describe the qualities of a dad. Most of you, especially the small ones would find it comfortable to solve the easy anagram as it comes with word clues; the bigger ones among you should take the challenge to crack the regular anagram that comes with no hints. So pick any anagram you like, print out its template and start solving! Have a fun time cracking our Father's Day Anagrams!
Easy Father's Day Anagram templates :
Regular Father's Day Anagram template :
Instructions for Printing :
1) Click on any of the Anagram templates to open it in a new window.
2) Click on the "Print" button in the new window. Alternately, you can go to the menu bar of the window and click File>Print. To get an idea of how your printout will look like, click on File>Print Preview before you take out a print.
3) Print out the template. Then close the template window to return to this screen.
4) Solve the anagram.
NOTE: Set page margins to zero if you face problems in fitting the template on one page (FILE, PAGE SETUP or FILE, PRINTER SETUP in most browsers).