Find at least 12 differences between two pictures :
Here's a way to find out how accurate an observer you are. Find out at least
12 differences between the two Leprechauns shown in the picture. Click on
the link below the images for the answers, once you have marked the
differences correctly. And remember, no peeping if you are really good at
(1) |
(2) |
Click here for the answers
Answers |
- The door handle missing
- Window sizes interchanged
- Right foot heel of a shoe is missing
- Top right window is different
- Cap is smaller
- Motif above the window are less in number
- One button on the coat is missing
- Button o the cuff is missing.
- Left-hand thumb is not visible
- Right-hand finger is not visible
- Terrace line motif is different
- Left ear is not invisible.
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