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Happy Teacher's Day Celebration

Teacher's Day Gift Ideas

"Teachers, who educate children, deserve more honour than parents..."
~ Aristotle

Hi little ones! One whole year has passed and the time to celebrate Teacher's Day is coming here again at long last. All year long, teachers work hard to teach you all that there is to learn, every day they spend their valuable time and energy to give you all the knowledge under the sun and make you take up the right values so that you grow up to be a nice person. Teacher's Day is the time when you can pay a tribute to your teachers and appreciate all their efforts. And what better way to do so than by giving some wonderful presents to them. It is often difficult to think about and pick the perfect gift for a teacher. So, to help you, here we have brought for you some cool Teacher's Day gift ideas. Go through them and choose the right presents for your teachers. If you want to share our Teacher's Day Gift Ideas with anyone, just click here and send this page to him/her. Celebrate a grand Teacher's Day.
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National Anthem

Check out these gift ideas and choose the right gift for your teachers:

1) Books - You can present your teachers a book on the subject they teach. It will be a useful gift for them which they can also use in the classroom. Remember to inscribe the book(s) with a personal note and a dedication to the teacher(s).

2) Painting - You can make a nice painting for your teachers with messages of appreciation for their efforts written behind. If you're not too good at painting, you can also buy some posters with inspirational, poem and nature pictures and a message attached to it. You can also write a poem, expressing your respect and admiration for your teacher, and make it your message.

3) Flowers - Flowers are great gifts for all occassions and always a good choice for a Teacher's Day present. Gift magnificent flower bouquets to your teachers and watch them break into a beautiful smile.

4) Pen Stand - As teachers are academic persons and have to spend most of their time in studies, a pen stand can be a wonderful gift for them. You can make a Pen stand for your teacher out of simple cardboard. Just get a small cardboard box, wrap it with a nice wrapping sheet and decorate it with some glitter. You will have a nice pen-stand to present for Teacher's Day.

5) Cake - You all love cakes and probably your teachers do so too. Just make sure that none of them are diabetic. If you know baking, you can bake a cake for your teacher yourself. Using some cream, write the words "Happy Teacher's Day" on top of the cake.

6) Greeting Cards - Greeting Cards are something you can't miss to give to your teacher(s), whatever your other gifts be. Buy a readymade card from your local gift shop or make one yourself at home. Take a drawing sheet and fold it from the middle. Draw something on the outside and inside, write a message for your teacher(s).

7) Bookmark - You can also make a bookmark for your teachers. The process is simple. All you need to do is get a cardboard piece, cut out of it a rectangular piece of the size of an ordinary bookmark. Draw or paste a beautiful picture on its top half and write a message for your teacher. Then get it laminated.

8) Book of Messages - This is one gift that you can collectively hand over to your class teacher. Ask all the students in your class to write messages for the teacher in a notebook. Then, cover it with a colorful wrapping sheet and present it to your teacher.