Fish are beautiful and fun to watch. Once you've bought the tank, this can be the most inexpensive pet on this list.
It's Good A small aquarium takes up very little space, making fish perfect for apartments or small rooms. Fish also come in lots of sizes, shapes and colors, and they don't take a lot of work.
And it's not so good because it's a
fish after all. So there aren't many ways you can play with a fish. They
also don't live for long, which is sad.
You'll need to spend several hours setting up your aquarium with a good filtration system, the right type of water and suitable decorations. Plan on a few minutes daily feeding the fish, and at least half an hour a week changing some of the water.
Creating the Aquarium :
The total aquarium is something more than the sum of all its parts.
To have a complete aquarium selecting the proper equipment, accessories,
and inhabitants is the first stage. Setting them up in a balanced,
harmonious setting is the second stage.
Below is a step-by step procedure:
- The first thing you have to do is to clean up the tank by washing tank
thoroughly with water and a clean rag (use no soap or detergent).
- Place tank into permanent position, to avoid breakage and
disorganization of the community during movement.
- Place the filter plate, and any necessary tubing under the tank.
- Wash sand or gravel and spread it into the tank, sloping from back to
front. Level of gravel should vary from three inches to one inch.
- Place under water ornamental materials like bogwood, rocks, shells
etc at strategic spots inside the tank. Attach tubing to aerating
- Place a sheet of newspaper or polythene over the gravel. On the top
of this, place a saucer or small pen.
- Fill about a quarter or half of the tank with prepared water.
- Remove the paper or nylon and dispose it.
- Adjust gravel and ornaments displaced by the water.
- Rinse plant materials.
- Plant large vegetation in corners, and graduate in a design which
follows a pleasant regular line - curve, parabola, slope etc. Larger
plants should be placed toward the rear.
- Trim dead or broken leaves.
- Finish filling tank by pouring water gently (on palm may be held
under the water to halt the pressure of falling water.
- Start up the filter and ornaments and adjust.
- Check the temperature, hardness, pH, and chlorine neutralizer with
test kit if necessary.
- Add one teaspoonful of salt for each five gallons of water if
brackish water species are to be introduced.
- Plug on the lights and leave on for 72 hours to provide light for the
new plants.
- Allow aquarium water to stand for three days before introducing fish.
