Easy Quiz for Kids

Ultimate Avengers Quiz

Welcome to the Ultimate Avengers Quiz. This is a quiz about superheroes and super villains. Find out by taking this marvelous Avengers quiz now. For those who have watched Avenger's Infinity War a ton of times are able to pass this quiz.
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Avengers Quiz

The Quiz has been contributed by Shaurya Ghanty, a student of Standard IV of La Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata, India

The Avengers Quizshadow

All Avengers Quiz Questions

  1. What did Iron Man call the Obadiah stone?
  2. From Which Movie was Captain America worthy of Mjolnir?
  3. How did Thor defeat Hela in Thor:Ragnarok?
  4. Who sacrificed himself/herself to get the Soul Stone?
  5. Who was the villain in spiderman – homecoming?
  6. What is the first name of Doctor Strange?
  7. What is the name of Iron Man’s Company?
  8. What does S.H.I.E.L.D stand for?
  9. Who is Loki’s adoptive brother?
  10. What is the name of the mysterious blue glowing cube that Loki uses as a weapon?