Easy Quiz for Kids

Marvel Spider-Man Quiz

The following quiz has been built on several Marvel Spider-man movies, like Amazing Spider-man, Spider-man, Spider-man 2, Spider-man 3, Amazing Spider-man 2, Spider-man Homecoming, Spider-man No Way Home, Spider-man into the Spider-verse, and Spiderman Far From Home. An excellent quiz for all Marvel and Spider-man fans, check how much you score on the 10 questions of this quiz.

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Quiz on Marvel Spider-Man

The Quiz has been contributed by Shaurya Ghanty, a student of Standard VII of La Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata, India

Marvel Spider-Man Quiz for kidsshadow

Marvel Spider-Man Quiz Questions

  1. Who was the actor of Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2?
  2. In which movie, does Peter Parker say "I always wanted brothers?"
  3. Who is the only love interest of Peter Parker to die?
  4. In which movie did Peter Parker fight the lizard?
  5. In which of the different Spider-Man actor's movies, was the Green Goblin not present?
  6. Which of peter parker's suits had goggles because of which stark stated "How can you see through these? Oh! I am blind!"
  7. In which movie, did Electro get a suit and yellow lightning?
  8. What is the real name of Mysterio?
  9. What is Miles Morales' special power?
  10. Which actor's Spider-Man has fought both the Green Goblin and the Vulture?