The Blue Jackal: A Story About Staying True to Yourself. Hitopadesh Fables from India

The Blue Jackal

The Blue Jackal

Once upon a time, a Jackal was wandering near a town. He accidentally fell into a vat of blue dye! When he climbed out, he was completely blue!

The Jackal thought being blue made him special. He gathered other Jackals and told them a lie. He said a forest goddess made him king with magic blue water!

The other Jackals believed him because he was blue. They treated him like a king! The Jackal even acted superior to his own kind and hung out with stronger animals like tigers.

One wise Jackal saw what was happening. He knew the blue Jackal was forgetting his friends. He had a plan to expose him!

The wise Jackal gathered all the Jackals and told them to howl together. When they howled, the blue Jackal couldn't resist howling too! It was his natural instinct!

The tigers and other animals heard the howl and realized the blue Jackal was just a regular Jackal! They were angry he had lied. Sadly, they chased the blue Jackal away.

This story teaches us to be loyal to our friends and family, even if we get something new or exciting. True friends like you for who you are, not how you look!
