The Brahmin and the Goat

The Brahmin and the Goat

Once upon a time, a kind Brahmin named Ravi needed a goat for a special ceremony. He went to the village market and bought a beautiful goat. He put the goat on his shoulder and started walking home.

On the way, Ravi saw three men sitting under a tree. They were actually sneaky thieves who wanted to steal the goat!

The first thief looked at Ravi and said, "Hey! Isn't that a dog you're carrying? Why is a holy man like you carrying a dog?" Ravi was surprised but said, "No, it's definitely a goat!"

A little further down the road, Ravi saw another one of the thieves. This thief also said, "That looks like a dog, not a goat! Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Ravi started to doubt himself. He even took the goat down and looked at it closely.

By the time Ravi reached the third thief, he was completely confused. The third thief said the same thing – "That's a dog, not a goat!" Ravi was convinced! He thought the magic of the place must have turned the goat into a dog!

He left the "dog" (which was really the goat) behind and went home to wash himself, feeling sad about the lost dog. The thieves happily took the goat and had a big feast!

This story teaches us to trust ourselves and what we see. Even if others try to confuse you, believe your own eyes and don't be afraid to question things that seem strange.